Transfer portfolio accounting data from Addepar to the Albourne Platform, allowing you to leverage Albourne’s advanced reporting and analysis capabilities.
Portfolio Reporting |
Private Markets Portfolio Planning |
Hedge Funds Portfolio Modeling |
Authentication |
Capabilities |
Frequency |
Transmission Type |
Required Access Level |
Getting started
Reach out to Addepar or Albourne’s Client Account Manager and express your interest in setting up the integration.
Add Albourne Users to your Addepar Account
Ask for Albourne Analysts’ personal details and create them as new users to your Addepar Account. Agree with Albourne the users’ Permissions that will be provided. Provide the users with API keys.
Create and share the views
Create the “Investment Details & Metrics” and “Transactions” custom views. Share the API URL with Albourne. More details on how to create views are available on the Configuration Guide.
Access the data in the Albourne Platform
Albourne, by using the API URLs, will make the portfolios available in the Albourne Platform. The portfolios will now be updated with the frequency agreed with Albourne.
What types of Assets are supported?
Hedge Funds & Private Market Funds
What kind of accounting data is needed?
Historical daily cash flows & monthly / quarterly valuations
What frequency of portfolio updates is supported?
Any frequency, up to bi-weekly