Leverage Addepar portfolio data to assess various risk and attribution analytics. Fund managers and allocators can use Everysk to establish robust investment processes through a sophisticated and automated digital workforce.
Automate custom workflows
Identify sources of risk |
Go beyond PDFs and spreadsheets
Reduce operational overhead
Authentication |
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Do It Yourself
To set up this integration, follow the instructions below and have your credentials ready. If you need help, contact Addepar support.
View Configuration GuideGetting started
Reach out to Everysk and request they enable the integration.
Create authorization IDs and view IDs
Within Addepar, create an API key and secret and gather IDs for views you would like to transfer via the integration.
Save information in Everysk
Open the view retriever and enter the IDs to prepare data transfer.
Create a new workflow
Create a new workflow in Everysk, and you're all set.
Does Everysk offer an API?
Yes, the API allows you to load portfolio data, generate reports, start workflows, and calculate portfolio analytics.
What asset coverage does Everysk provide?
Everysk has coverage for all asset classes, from equities to private assets, across 90 global exchanges.
How can I load my portfolio data into Everysk?
Quickly connect with third-party partners within Everysk, or load data in through API, SFTP, Google Drive, or CSV.
What overall functionality does Everysk include?
Multi-asset class models, optimization, stress testing, scenario analysis, risk attribution, factor modeling, exposure analysis, backtesting, value-at-risk, liquidity, greeks and sensitives, historical properties, pre-trade compliance, rebalancing, what-if scenarios, P&L analysis, hedge testing, price monitoring, model portfolio creation, schedule reports, monitor limits, email alerts, check portfolios, integrate 3rd parties, generate trade lists, store and reconcile data, and retrieve relevant properties.