intelliflo redblack
Import position valuations, open tax lots, account balances, custom attributes, and taxability status of accounts from Addepar into RedBlack to perform security-level rebalancing and trading and maintain portfolios within target allocations.
Create a single source of truth |
Simplify trading and rebalancing
Automate essential workflows
Authentication |
Capabilities |
Transmission type |
Frequency |
Required access level |
Multi-Party Setup
You’ll work with members of both Addepar and our partner’s services teams to install, configure and test your integration. To get started, contact an Addepar representative.
View Configuration GuideGetting started
Before starting the setup, reach out to intelliflo redblack and let them know your firm wants to integrate with Addepar.
Create an API key
Go to Addepar firm administration and create an API key.
Request views and attributes
Contact Addepar Support to request that intelliflo redblack views and attributes be added to your firm.
Contact intelliflo redblack
Work with your intelliflo redblack representative to complete the setup.