Jacobi streamlines multi-asset portfolio design, analysis, and engagement. Sync portfolio holdings and attributes from Addepar to Jacobi to run ex-post and ex-ante analytics, and run 'what-if' scenarios for hypothetical portfolios.
Build stronger portfolios
Improve client and stakeholder engagement |
Customize and scale portfolio solutions |
Leverage next-generation infrastructure
Easily connect and integrate
Authentication |
Capabilities |
Transmission type |
Frequency |
User access level |
Multi-Party Setup
You’ll work with members of both Addepar and our partner’s services teams to install, configure and test your integration. To get started, contact an Addepar representative.
View Configuration Guide1
Prepare an account in Addepar
Create a user account just for this integration, and generate an API key and secret.
Make a request for Jacobi-specific views
Contact Addepar Support and request that the Jacobi view be added to your firm.
Send information to Jacobi so they can set up the integration
Provide Jacobi with information about the views and your firm and they will connect the integration.