Luma Financial Technologies provides a multi-issuer/carrier platform for structured products and annuities. The integration allows users to leverage Luma structured note position attributes in the Addepar analysis and reporting platform.
Understand your structured note features at a glance |
Receive up to date underlier, structured note, and event performance |
Have a better understanding of structured notes in your portfolios |
Authentication |
Capabilities |
Frequency |
Transmission Type |
Required Access Level |
Do It Yourself
To set up this integration, follow the instructions below and have your credentials ready. If you need help, contact Addepar support.
View Configuration GuideCreate Integration-Specific User
Create an Addepar account for a functional, integration-specific user. (e.g. luma@yourfirm.com)
Grant Access to Integration-Specific User
Required permissions are in the Configuration Guide.
Create Luma Custom Attributes
List of attributes are in the Configuration Guide.
Authorize the Integration
Log into Luma, click on your user in the top right and go to Preferences. In that page there is a link that will take you to Addepar, log in as the Integration-Specific User and approve access.
Create Custom View (Optional)
To view all Luma attributes easily we recommend creating a separate view.
Can I request new fields?
Yes! Email support@lumafintech.com with a description of the field and Luma will get back to you. Additions can take up to a week depending on complexity. All firms with the integration will be notified about the new field and have the option to add.
What kind of performance will I see?
Daily updated underlier performance and the active underlier in Worst-Of and Best-Of baskets.