MSCI Fabric
Send your clients financial data and taxonomies from Addepar to MSCI Fabric to design risk-aware portfolios.
Asset class and risk factor modeling
Customize client portfolios and outcomes
The Addepar API connectivity supports Fabric’s integrated data platform
Manage and execute portfolios
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Do It Yourself
To set up this integration, follow the instructions below and have your credentials ready. If you need help, contact Addepar support.
View Configuration GuideGetting started
Sign up for the platform’s Silver subscription before setting up the integration.
Sign in to Fabric
Navigate to insight.fabricrisk.com and sign in to your account
Connect the integration
From the account icon in your dashboard, navigate to Integrations and select to 'Integrate' Addepar.
Sign in to Addepar to verify the connection
After a successful login, you should receive a message in the Fabric application saying the setup is complete.
It can take up to 20 minutes to pull all of your Addepar data into the Fabric application. When this process is complete, you will be able to analyze the risk of all your clients within the Fabric risk application.