


Automatically sync ownership and valuations information to ORCA. ORCA uses this data to create dynamic structure charts that you can enrich with legal, tax, and compliance data and securely share with any stakeholder.

Dynamic 360 degree view of legal structures
  • Create interactive structure charts. Visualize structures at any point in time (past, present or future). Calculate the combined net wealth of one or more natural and/or legal persons. Blend information in/out with one click. Share structure charts using secure links.
Must-have data all in one place
  • All the legal, tax and compliance information you need in one place. Gather, organize and share this must-have data quickly, securely and intelligently.
Intelligent document management
  • ORCA automatically informs you if any key legal, tax and compliance data or documents are missing, enabling you to complete it within seconds.
Zero-trust encryption
  • ORCA’s zero-trust cloud ensures only you can access your sensitive data. The unique measures ORCA takes to protect your data mean that neither ORCA nor any unwanted 3rd party can see or obtain your sensitive data.