


Elevate service for Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals and improve the efficiency of your trust company, family office, or RIA by uniting Addepar portfolio and transaction details with trust administration in one holistic platform.

Up-to-date financial information easily available for customer service and communications
  • No more switching back and forth between two systems. Have updated positions, transactions, and balances readily available in the WealthHub CRM
Combine special asset management with Addepar’s portfolio management
  • WealthHub’s modules for real estate, planes, boats, art, collectibles, oil/mineral/gas interests allow active management of fiduciary tasks related to real property
Autopopulate your UHNW workflows
  • Financial data pulls in automatically into workflows like distribution approval, tax prep, admin reviews, special asset reviews, client meeting prep and others
Leverage Addepar widgets
  • Display any custom Addepar analysis views natively in your CRM with Addepar's widget managed package